“Is Six Enough?” and “Indoor Shoot”
The NCCSC Women's Group will meet at the NCCSC Clubhouse. Class is open to the public but girls only! No boys allowed!
Please join us to review the different types of revolvers and their pros and cons. Women are often told their best option for a carry gun is a revolver because they are simple, reliable and efficient. There are no extra buttons or levers to push, which means that there are no buttons or levers to forget to push. But are they really the best choice for women?
After the class, we’ll have a safety briefing and then open the indoor range for anyone who wants to shoot revolvers or other handguns. This will be a “no pressure, beginners welcome” shoot with expert Range Safety Officers (RSOs). We’ll have several gentle hand guns, ear protection and safety glasses to share.
No cost to NCCSC Member/Spouse; $5 fee for non-members.
The meeting is open to the public, so bring a friend. This will be a terrific opportunity to meet other women from the club, and even learn a little bit!
Contact Trudi Rosenbaum at womensgroup@nccsc.us for more information or to RSVP.
For upcoming Dates/Topics/locations see the NCCSC Women’s Group events list.