Saturday May 18th, Instead of Workday...
It's NCCSC Field Day 2019!!!
Registration starts at 11:00AM in the clubhouse
Shooting starts at high noon
So you think you can shoot? Are you willing to win the trophy and prove you’re the best shot at the club? Have you been bragging to fellow members about what a good shot you are…well now’s your opportunity to prove it.
The NCCSC board and Trustees would like to invite all members of the club out for a special NCCSC Field Day trial event. We will be running shooting events for Pistol, Archery, Rifle and Trap to find the best overall shooter at NCCSC. This is a run what you brung event open to all members of the club. Members of the club are encouraged to participate in all four events but only your top three event scores will be counted. Here’s a chance to use all the facilities the club has at your disposal and have a great time doing it.
There is no cost associated with this event! This is an opportunity to show off the firepower you’ve amassed and the skills you have to hit your target.
Registration begins at 11:00AM in the clubhouse with shooting starting at High Noon and continuing until we run out of targets, food and good times. Food and beverages will be provided during the event. The trap event will be held after dinner and refreshments for all those who have registered.
We look forward to seeing everyone there for a fun filled day of shooting!
NCCSC Field Day Official Rules:
The Event will be shooting your firearm in compliance with all NCCSC rules. All firearms must be cased when not on firing line with the exception of archery and trap.
Field Day will include 4 events: Rifle, Pistol, Archery and Trap. Each competitor can only post one (1) registered round for each event. Shooters will compete for first place and first runner-up in each event, but must compete in 3 events to post a score for NCCSC Club Champion. For shooters competing all 4 events only the 3 highest scores will be counted towards club champion.
Each event will have an official scorer the scorers ruling will be final.
100yd scoped rifle and 50yd open sights:
- The shooters round will last 5 minutes from the time the line is called hot.
- The shooter will be given an additional target for warm up shots, all shots for scores must be placed on the registered target before the end of their round.
- No shooter may touch the target after it has been registered.
- The scoring target will be 5 individual bullseyes, only one shot is to be place on each bullseye. Multiple hits on one bullseye will result
in the furthest from center being the score. - All shots will be taken from either the bench or standing, the firearm must be supported only by the shooter (ie.. no sand bags, bipods or
lead sleds.) The firearm cannot be placed directly on the bench to shoot. - In the event of a tie, the tied shooters will shoot additional rounds until first place and first runner up have been determined, only the
registered target will be used to calculate club champion if applicable
50 Foot Pistol:
- Scoring will be out of 50 – X5 each shooter will fire 5 scored rounds at their registered target.
- All shots will be taken from the offhand unsupported shooting position.
- No shooter may touch the target after it has been registered.
- The target will be official NRA 50 ft. slow fire pistol target
- In the event of a tie, the tied shooters will shoot additional rounds until first place and first runner up have been determined, only the registered target will be used to calculate club champion if applicable
- Scoring will be out of 50 – X5 each shooter will loose 5 scored arrows at their registered target.
- All shots will be taken from the offhand unsupported shooting position.
- No shooter may touch the target after it has been registered.
- Scoring 10 ring 40cm Archery Target
- Longbow and recurve will be shot from 15yds
- Compound bows fired from 25yds
- Crossbows fired from 35yds
- Field points only
- In the event of a tie, the tied shooters will shoot additional rounds until first place and first runner up have been determined, only the registered target will be used to calculate club champion if applicable
- Scoring will be one round of 25 birds x 2 (50 total points)
- All ATA trap rules will apply to the scored round
- All targets will be shot from 16yds
- In the event of a tie, the tied shooters will shoot additional rounds until first place and first runner up have been determined, only the registered target will be used to calculate club champion if applicable
The official scorers of each event will resolve any questions or disputes of the rules, their decision will be final.