Firearms/Gun Ownership Issues Page

While NCCSC maintains an apolitical position in world politics, we recognize our responsibility to help our membership to be fully informed of critical firearms and handgun issues affecting your 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

From that standpoint, we will provide brief commentaries and links to relative issues and legislation of a State, Federal and Global basis.  If you have links and/or requests for additional topics, please contact the Club at

Please see the page index on the right to see more information on the subjects listed.

Defending firearms ownership:

All too often 2nd Amendment supporters find ourselves in a conversation with individuals not of a like mind.  In order for us to present logical and convincing arguments you need the real facts, and I have found a web site full of those myth busting facts, JFPO or "Jews for the Protection of Firearm Ownership.  (despite it being religiously aligned it's all about defending gun ownership world wide). Here is one of their myth busting facts:
Myth: Assault weapons are a serious problem in the U.S.
Fact: In 1994, before the Federal “assault weapons ban,” you were eleven (11) times
more likely to be beaten to death than to be killed by an “assault weapon.”

Follow this link to their 111 page document "Gun Facts":

Another really great article posted there is:  (Click on the title to see the article)
Attention Lamestream Media
- I Am The Gun Lobby and I Don’t Advocate Arming Anyone
By Jeff Knox
September 4th 2012


By now I'm sure most of you are aware of Sen Feinstein introducing her bill in congress on Jan 24th.  The NRA-ILA has a very good summary of the bill with links to Congress within it.


Click here for the article.



A bill has just been presented to the PA house, nullifying unconstitutional federal gun laws.Let your PA State rep and senators that you desire their support for this bill.


Here is a link to the bill:

This item recently from The Daily Caller lists the too many organizations, companies and groups that back the gun ban agenda.  You may want to consult this in determining who you do business with!

Once again, thanks to Peter W for providing this


What is an "assault weapon" anyway? Guess it depends which side you're talking to. Follow this link to learn the real definitions:

Thanks to member Peter W for providing


Subject: The 3rd Amendment


Thanks to member Bob S for passing this along.  You should get a kick out of how the "crash dummy" speaks so eloquently!

Thanks to a good friend and former Marine for sending the following.  Coincidentally, we were shooting together at the range two days ago...

This Dummy is smarter than most Liberals but then again that’s not saying much!

Listen to the dummy! I did and learned something I had forgotten, the Third Amendment....


The gun-control crowd & our fearless leader have recently been throwing around an impressive new number- claiming: “as many as 40 percent of guns are purchased without a background check.”  Debunk that "fact" HERE.



From BrasscheckTV:  Homeland Security (TSA) purchases 450,000 rounds of 40 cal hollow point!

It is reported here that the Transportation Security Admin - you know the airport fondlers - have recently ordered 450,000 rounds of hallow point ammo for "target practice"!

Watch the Video


From The Liberty Crier:  Innocents Betrayed – – True History of Gun Confiscation.

This 60 minute video holds no punches at examining what happens when tyrannical leaders have confiscated citizens' firearms as whitnessed during the 20th Century - 170 Million killed by tyrants after gun confiscation.

View the video


Prescription drugs & school violence

I think there is certainly a link between some legal drugs and violence. However, it is just as likely that, since anyone who needs these drugs is mentally unbalanced to begin with, this mental unbalance could cause the violent reaction. Separating these 2 factors would take a complex study design, not speculation and wild conclusions.  Read more here:


Bill of Rights and the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act)

In what will be remembered as the most traitorous executive signing ever committed against the American people, President Obama signed the bill on New Year's Eve, a time when most Americans were engaged in the consumption of alcohol. It seems appropriate, of course, since no intelligent American could accept the tyranny of this bill if they were sober.
Learn more:


Consequences of a gun grab!

In this Pravda opinion article, a Russian speaks out about  a government confiscating citizens’ firearms.

Jan 4, 2013:

Firearm owners are joining together on Feb 8, 2013 to make a statement to State legislators across the country. Join your fellow citizens and march on your state's capital.

Join the group on Facebook:

See the video:



Pennsylvania: Attorney General-Elect Kathleen Kane Does Not Support Your Right-to-Carry

Kathleen Kane joined nine sitting attorneys general, including those from California, Massachusetts and New York, in signing her name to a letter urging the U.S. Senate leadership to oppose S. 2188, "The National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act" and S. 2213, "The Respecting States’ Rights and Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act."

To read the full article, please click HERE.


The United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT):

Post Election Update: Dec 2102

While the ATT initiative in July 2012 was effectively thwarted, in large part by the efforts of American gun owners and the NRA,  the Obama administration has wasted no time in voicing its support for renewed UN resolutions and another round of ATT talks in March 2013.

Read more HERE:


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Mon - Fri: 9:00 a.m. - Dusk
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - Dusk
Sunday: 10:00 a.m. - Dusk

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