The August 4th, 2014 Membership Meeting of The Northern Chester County Sportsmen Club was called to order at 8:34 pm by president Steve Miller.

All present were asked to stand for the pledge to the flag.

Announcements: Take tables and chairs down after meeting. Raffle tickets available for firearm and meat prizes. Don’t forget to turn in tickets for the early bird drawing – pick up more if you need them. Pro shop open. Hats, sweatshirts, shirts, etc. for sale. President, Steve Miller explained the decorum and protocol for the meeting. If you would like to speak wait to be recognized – do not talk over people or interrupt if they have the floor. We have business to conduct. We will take a short break. No video or audio recording during our meetings.

Dean Barr made a motion not to read the minutes of the last meeting. Shawn Trainer 2nd it. Motion voted on - passed - minutes were not read.

Treasure’s Report – Ben Janus asked to make an announcement before his report was given. Ben announced his resignation from the office of Treasurer due to irreconcilable differences with the majority of the Board. He read 3 pages of grievances with the Board and complaints about the Club. No financial report was made. President, Steve Miller thanked Ben for his service.

1st Vice President – Bill Dunn – made an announcement that he was resigning from the board. Stated that the reason was because Steve Miller grilled him about his kids. Steve also thanked him for his service.

Troy Chapman made a motion to put Ben and Bill’s resignation letters as part of the permanent record. Tim Zuponcic 2nd it. Motion voted on - passed. Ben gave copies and they are with the minutes and the other important papers. Bill did not give a copy of the statement he read to the Recording Secretary, like he said he would or make it available to be copied.

Bills to Pay:       Ron Russle                                          35.01 gas for mower

Doug Schofield                                  600.00 raffle gun

George Emanuel made motion to pay the bills. Rex Thompson 2nd it. Motion voted on – passed.

$121.00 turned in from NRA recruiter.

$327.00 turned in cash from concessions.


  1. The email many got when John Muller took over the mail chimp account was explained as not club generated or endorsed.
  2. Received a letter by law firm in Pittsburg, PA representing John Muller.

Membership numbers are as follows as of the start of the meeting:

665 renewals + 31 prospects = 696


Workday: August 4th, 2014. Had 20 volunteers Always 3rd Saturday of the month. Jim Benoit led the team rebuilding the indoor range. Others worked at -Trimming weeds and brush. Stone was moved. Ranges were policed .Block house was cleaned up. Backers were replaced. Post were set at the 25 and 50 yard ranges for signs. Bathrooms were cleaned. Re-hung the re-bar and steel plates where needed. Driveway stone was raked back where it came from. Cleaned trash up outside of clubhouse & parking lot. Weed wacked where needed. Volunteers were fed lunch. Work continued on the indoor range throughout the next week until the range was complete.

Balloon Shoot: Per Fran Bianchini had 49 attempts, 24 prizes, made $5.00. Gave out gift cards for Shady Maple, Wawa, and Dunken Donuts.

Trap Shoot: Per Fran Bianchini runs April thru at least end of September or we run out of birds. Open to the public $4.00 per round includes 25 birds. Have had real nice crowds averaging 8 rounds if we shoot right thru. Turning in $490.00.

Indoor Shoot: Will start again the Wednesday after Labor Day - September 3rd. Doors open at 6pm shooting starts by 6:30pm last until 9:00pm. $4.oo donation per shooter. Lead bullets only for any caliber greater than .22. Non- jacketed rounds only. Food Concessions available. Per Theresa Reynolds.

Firearms Training: Per Paul Barr – In the interest of time see our club web site in particular the calendar for details about training.

Old Business:

Gate/Gate Cards: Status update – will be operational next Monday. Tom Starkey asked about the Spouse card. Was explained we would have a form shortly to request it.

Tom Starkey explained about the raffle on September 27th and the need for volunteers.

A discussion took place around the email account and J. Muller. Members voiced concern and outrage at the fact that they were continuing to receive emails from J. Muller in the name of NCCSC on our mail chimp account.

Alexander Platz made a motion for the Board to convene a committee with the authority to not only investigate but also adjudicate about John Muller as well as any and all people found to be associated with or connected to the multiple breeches of people’s privacy and personal info. Kevin Zufelt 2nd.

Much discussion on the matter took place. Dan Challstrom wanted to amend the motion. President, Steve Miller asked Alex if he wanted to – he declined.

Split the room for the vote – over 2/3 majority in favor of the motion – passed.

New Business:

The following new member applicant names were read out loud. They were asked to stand when they heard their name called.

  1. Josh Leclere                                                                       15) Harry Wilms
  2. Frank Badalamenti                                                          16) MichaelPreite
  3. Daniel Miller                                                                       17) David Welsh
  4. Frank Venezia                                                                   18) Thomas Lennon III
  5. Jin Ye                                                                                    19) David Turner
  6. Guang Feng                                                                       20) Kevin Turner
  7. Yat Vai                                                                                 21) Isaac Jones
  8. Xiang Bing Wei                                                                 22) Drew Offner
  9. Alex Hou                                                                           23) Donald Mills
  10. Luke Blosenki                                                                    24) Daniel Hubner
  11. Ken Liang                                                                             25) John Michael Griborn
  12. Peter Mandes                                                                   26) Chad Manzor
  13. Man Chung                                                                         27) Scot Turner
  14. Robert Kwiatkowski                                                        28) Steve Romano
  15. Harry Wilms                                                                        29) Reinaldo Garcia
  16. Michael Preite                                                                   30)Gerald Harley
  17. David Welsh                                                                    31)Paul Koterba
  18. Thomas Lennen III
  19. David Turner
  20. Kevin Turner
  21. Isaac Jones
  22. Drew Offner

A 10 minute break was called for while the membership present contemplated those applying for membership and to buy raffle tickets. The meeting was called back to order at 9:51 pm and all proposed for membership were approved.

Chief Range Safety Officer, George Emanuel gave the safety briefing to the new members and pointed out who the Range Safety Officers were if they had any questions in the future.

President Steve Miller pulled the Early Bird Ticket winner. The winner was:

Mark DeZura

1281 Woodland Ct.

Pottstown, PA 19464

Raffle Drawings:

Firearm – Ruger 1911 Commander. Winning ticket last 4 numbers 2835 Jeff Call.

Signature Card: John Smith

Meat Prize: Ron Russell

Meat Prize: Yat Wai Chan #9813                                                                Meat Prize: Bob Braccio #3614

Meat Prize: Rex Thompson #9720                                            Meat Prize: Tim Zuponcic #3624

Meat Prize: John Smith #9674                                                    Meat Prize: Albert Somers #3615

Meat Prize: Isacc Jones #3675


Attendance: 145             Meeting adjourned at 10:55 pm.

Minutes recorded on August 4th, 2014 by Recording Secretary Theresa T. Reynolds.


Attachments: Ben Janus resignation letter - BenJanus_Resign_08-04-14

Range Hours

Mon - Fri: 9:00 a.m. - Dusk
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - Dusk
Sunday: 10:00 a.m. - Dusk

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