December 1st, 2014 Membership Meeting of the Northern Chester County Sportsman’s Club was called to order it at 8:06 pm.

All present were asked to stand for the pledge to the flag.

Announcements: Take table and chairs down after the meeting and return them to the shed. Raffle tickets available for firearm and meat prizes during the break. Our pro shop is open with hats, sweatshirts, and t-shirts for sale. President Steve miller explained the decorum of the meeting-if you would like to speak wait to be recognized do not talk over people or interrupt if they have the floor. We have business to conduct. We will take a short break. No video or audio recording during our meeting.

Reading of the old minutes: Frank Tate made a motion not to read the old minutes, Dean Barr 2nd. Voted on and passed. Minutes not read.

Treasures report: given by Treasurer Lisa Philips see attached. George Emanuel made motion to approve treasurer’s report. Paul Barr 2nd motion. Voted on and passed.

Bills to pay:

Jim Hanley: $31.47

Propane: $170.12

Met-Ed: $211.06

Service Electric: $56.95

Motion made to pay the bills by Paul Jones, many 2nd the motion. Voted on and passed.

Receive payment for skid steer in the amount of $1000 from Steve Miller.

NRA Recruiter: Abe Miller - total deposit $49.00

Concessions: Brian Reynolds – turning in deposit of $221. 00 and $265. 00 from pro shop.

Communications: nothing new. Couple of bills. Some NRA information.


8 0 2 + 9 new = 8 1 1

Introduction of the newly elected officers.

Work day report from November. Next work day: January 17, 2015.

Balloon shoot: Fran Bianchini   - Mike, Dave, and Pat has been helping out. No shoot in March possibly – watch the calendar.

Indoor Shoot: Theresa Reynolds  -  Wednesday’s  from 6-9 pm. Turning in deposit of $137.00.

Firearms training: Paul Barr - classes are posted on the website - check them out. Defensive carry ii with Jim Benoit. Basic pistol with the Barr brothers or Scott Nicely. Date for the next Women on Target event will be Saturday, Saturday May 9th, 2015 per Theresa Reynolds see website or Theresa for more info. See Frank Tait to sign up as an instructor or RSO.

Old Business

Discussion about completion of new pistol bay. $3000.00 to straighten out/ increments of $1000.00. Cover with top soil. Stone on floor of range $1 000. 00. Labor to work and spread stone, and fuel $3000. - $5000.00. Stabilize berm. Use gabion on 15 yard pistol bay? Moving forward with NRA training for Paul Barr and another individual that may step forward. Paul recommends having a professional do the work versus trying to do it ourselves. George Emanuel recommends that we have two plans one for the new bay and one for the berms on the other ranges.

George Emanuel made a motion to have Kenny Frame, Paul Barr and whomever necessary plan and price for the meeting in February - a price to be voted on for the work on the ranges and the new pistol bay and the berm work on the existing bays. Frank Tate 2nd, voted on and passed.

Christmas party: details about party were gone over.

November 10th legal issue update: agreement to return items has not been complied with. John cannot contact members of the club and he cannot come on club property. There was some additional discussion and questions until Paul Barr made motion to move on. Motion was second by many in the room. Vote was not necessary.

Gate system: Bill Newel - the system is not working like it should be. Need to upgrade so that we can collect the data, we need to and open the gate remotely if necessary. Bill is going to meet with the gate guy to work on replacing.

We are closed for the first 2 weeks of deer season.

Had a ricochet leave the range and hit a member a member who was hunting at French creek. The person firing the bullet is responsible for it.

Update on electrical: Dean Barr made a motion to spend $2500. 00 for new lights and to repair damage to the pole. Frank Tate 2nd, voted on and passed.

New business

Applicants for membership:

Teddy Way

Jared Viavengo

Michael Hall

Robert Kirchner

Ken Shade

Evan Ward

Gregory Bozzi

Charles Gilbert

Richard Dilberto

Sam Tkaczuk

9:45 PM Took short break.

9:59 PM Meeting called back to order. All applicants approved for membership. Safety briefing given by George Emanuel chief RSO.

Paul Barr made a motion: All references herein pertaining to communications with members are modified to reflect that any commonly accepted medium may be used, including, but not limited to: electronic mail, text message, United States Postal Service. George Emanuel 2nd, it was voted on and passed with no nays. To be voted on again at the next meeting.

Classified ad update: send your ad request to communications. Bill Newell will respond. For members only.

Bill Newell is making a recommendation for Bill Dunn, Ben Janus, and Gary Lamars for suspension. Based on the hundreds of hours we have spent on the issues. **See Note**

Jim Hanley asked” is there a plan to let members use the trap machine in the shed?” Discussion about building an enclosure for the portable trap machine.

Raffle Drawing:

  • Gun: #4110 Harry Coggins was the winner of the Springfield Range Officer in 45 ACP
  • Signature Card: Rich Diliberto
  • Meat: #7504 Rex Thompson
  • Meat: #7542 Rich Diliberto
  • Meat: #7483 Barry Rothman
  • Meat: #3349 Fran Bianchini
  • Meat: # 3328 Bob Kirchner
  • Meat: # 3340 Rich Diliberto

Attendance:  38                             Meeting was adjourned at: 10:31 pm.


Minutes recorded by Theresa T. Reynolds, Recording Secretary.

**Note** Correction to Recommendation for expulsion: Bill Newell sent an email changing his recommendation for expulsion, as well as telling us he had said the wrong name. He did not intend to say “ Gary Lillmars” but  Troy Chapman for turning over board documents to NCCSC Friends. Bill Dunn and Ben Janus for attempting to secretly renew John remain unchanged.

Account Balances: November 2014

Account Balance
Checking Account $18,681.71
CC Checking $4,704.92
Building Fund Svgs. $46,663.25
Raffle Svgs. $24,789.93
Mutual Fund $16,014.21
Total: $110,854.02

Attachment: November Financial Report


Range Hours

Mon - Fri: 9:00 a.m. - Dusk
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - Dusk
Sunday: 10:00 a.m. - Dusk

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