The November 3rd, 2014 Membership Meeting of the Northern Chester County Sportstmen Club was called to order at 8:14 PM.

All present were asked to stand for the pledge to the flag.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Take table and chairs down after the meeting and return them to the shed. Raffle Tickets available for a firearm and meat prizes during the break. Our pro shop is open with hats, sweatshirts, t-shirts for sale. President Steve Miller explained the decorum of the meeting –if you would like to speak wait to be recognized do not talk over people or interrupt if they have the floor. We have business to conduct. We will have our election tonight. We will take a short break. No video or audio recording during our meeting.

Reading of the old minutes: Dean Barr made a motion to skip the reading of the minutes, was 2nd by George Emanuel, 3 Nays were recognized, motion voted on and passed.

Treasure’s Report: Given by volunteer Lisa Phillips - See Attached

Ron Russell made a motion to accept the Treasure’s Report as read, Matt Gribosh 2nd, voted on – passed.

Bills to pay:

$135.00 to Zoning Board/Abe Miller-shed permit

$74.19 to the Greene’s for a Replacement canopy

$167.00 to Dean Barr for pumpkins and hay bales

$239.75 to Tom Starkey for Annual Raffle/Misc. Exp.

$895.00 to Doug Schofield for meeting gun raffle.

Frank Tait made a motion to pay the bills, Alex Platz 2nd, voted on and passed.

NRA Recruiter: Abe Miller is taking over the position. Three members joined tonight. When you join or renew through the club you save $10.00 the club makes $5.00.

Concessions: Brian Reynolds – Procurement Officer is turning in $313.00 from concessions this month.

Communications: Fran Bianchini – Some general questions about membership. Mail returned from Troy.  Range fees from Jim Benoit. Some questions from some members.

Membership: Bill Newell

790 current members + 12 new members = 802 members

Workday: Mike Lindsay – 3rd Saturday of the month except December. Performed general clean up. Equipment was winterized. Ranges were policed and repaired. Leaves were cleaned up. Volunteers were fed. Meat raffle. Next work day is November 15, 2014.

Balloon Shoot: Fran Bianchini – Reported he was turning in $85.00/of that $5.00 is a donation. Had 34 attempts 9 prizes. 1st Sunday of the month. Was a slow month.3 shots for $5.00. Have a heater or 2. Matt, Mike and Pat have been helping.

Trap: Fran Bianchini reported that he was turning in $1,124.00 tonight. That it has been a great season. Watch the calendar for the start date in the spring.

Indoor Shoot: Theresa Reynolds reported she was turning in $85.00 tonight. Wed. Nights from 6-9 PM. $4.00 donation per shooter. Lead bullets only for any caliber greater than .22. Non-jacketed rounds only. Copper plated is acceptable. Food concessions available.

Zombie Pumpkin Apocalypse: Tom Starkey reported that the 1st Zombie Pumpkin Apocalypse was held on Sunday November 2nd, 2014. Was held on the long range at 2pm. turning in $45.00. Pumpkins were supplied by Highlands Orchards & Pearls Market. Matt wanted to recognize George Emanuel and the RSO’s that worked the event all day. There were 100 + shooters.

Firearms Training: Paul Barr reported that level 1 conceal class is next week. There are basic pistol classes on there also.  Alexander Platz introduced himself and talked about his defensive carbine class. Frank Tait is teaching an instructor shotgun course on December 29th, 2014. Paul asked that people check the website and calendar for details about all the classes.

Candidates for membership were asked to stand as their names were read aloud:

Scott Sheller

Herbert Miller

Ron Daubel

Chip Meyer

David Filippi

Neil Ziegler

Leonard Razzi

David DiFabio

Tim Stata

Robert McGowan

Ryan Sharp

John Becker

Election: Nominations from the floor were taken. John DiLatowsky was nominated for first vice president. After speaking with the George Emanuel of the elections committee it was determined he met the qualifications as a candidate, and he swore to the fact that he did.

The candidates on the ballet were as follows:

  • 2nd Trustee: Mike Lidsey, current holder, the only candidate
  • 1st Trustee: Abe Miller, Current Holder, the only candidate.
  • Recording Secretary: Theresa Reynolds, Current Holder. Candidates Theresa Reynolds or Renee Ruhlman.
  • Membership Secretary: None, Current Holder. Candidate Tom Starkey.
  • Treasurer: None, Current Holder. Candidate Lisa Phillips.
  • 2nd Vice President: Fran Bianchini, Current Holder. Candidates Brian Reynolds or Alex MacFarlane.
  • 1st Vice President: None, Current Holder. Candidates Fran Bianchini.
  • President: Steve Miller, Current Holder. Candidates Steve Miller or Bill Dunn.

Each candidate was given five minutes to speak. An opportunity to introduce themselves and present their qualifications for the job. After the candidates spoke there was the opportunity to ask them questions.

Some of the issue raised were:

About spouses and voting privileges. Spouses and relatives serving on the board together.

Are we a 501 c (7)?

Alex Platz had a problem with moral turpitude over an exchange with John DiLatowsky and Frank Tait.

Questions were raised about the bylaw committee.

At 10:32 Bill Derer made a motion to move on to voting, Gary Vitale 2nd, voted on – passed.

President Steve Miller explained how to fill out the ballots.

Voting was done at 10:55.

12 applicants were presented for membership. All were approved. George Emanuel – chief RSO - gave the safety briefing and went over the Range Rules.

Matt Gribosh asked if you could take pumpkins to any of the other ranges to shoot them. It was decided you could.

Raffle Drawing:

  • Firearm: #3169 Clayton Mitstifer Jr. was the winner of the Ruger all weather Ameican rifle .308 w/ Redfield Revenge riflescope & Luepold rings
  • Signature Card winner: #17 Dom Datillo
  • Meat: #7253 Mike Mckerns
  • Meat: #7206 Robert Stone
  • Meat: #7370 Jason Trego
  • Meat: #4062 Jason Trego
  • Meat: #4040 Theresa Reynolds
  • Meat: #3878 Rex Thompson

Someone asked to have the visitor policy clarified.

Kevin Zufelt gave an update on the member relations review committee. Made a Formal Proposal of Permanent Committee. Kevin submitted a copy of letter stating that “Due to the recent events involving the misuse of NCCSC Club Member personal information, the Membership Relations Review Committee was formed by a club vote to investigate the situation. While the committee was only in existence to handle that specific situation, a pressing need was seen to establish a standing committee to maintain grievances within the club. I propose that the Club forms a committee called the Membership Relations Review Committee. The committee would have a term of one year. The purpose would be to handle any grievances by the membership and promote rewards or issue judgments in accordance with the by-laws. The committee would act as a liaison between the general membership and the elected officials. The committee will have no more than six members and no fewer than five to ensure a diverse group to discuss any issues.” Discussion took place on function, term, etc. Abe said the idea has merit but feels the idea should be included with the bylaws committee. Frank Tait agrees with Abe. Kevin withdrew his motion at this time.

Matt Gribosh explained how he and a group of the regulars from trap have been working on a glow in the dark shoot - asked permission to have special glow in the dark trap shoot. Kevin Zufelt made a motion to hold a Night Time Trap Shoot on November 13, 2013, Matt Willard 2nd, voted on, passed.

The results of the election were given:

  • 2nd Trustee – Mike Lindsay,
  • 1st Trustee – Abe Miller,
  • Recording Secretary – Theresa Reynolds,
  • Membership Secretary – Tom Starkey,
  • Treasurer – Lisa Phillips,
  • 2nd Vice President – Brian Reynolds,
  • 1st Vice President – Fran Bianchini,
  • President – Steve Miller.

At 11:33 Frank Tait made a motion to end the meeting, it was 2nd by many, voted on passed,

Attendance: 154

Minutes recorded by Theresa T. Reynolds, Recording Secretary.

Account Balances: October 2014

Account Balance
Checking Account $24,300.32
CC Checking $5,718.20
Building Fund Svgs. $44,960.25
Raffle Svgs. $24,789.93
Mutual Fund $16,014.21
Total: $115,782.91

Attachment: October Financial Report



Range Hours

Mon - Fri: 9:00 a.m. - Dusk
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - Dusk
Sunday: 10:00 a.m. - Dusk

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