January 5th, 2015 Membership Meeting of the Northern Chester County Sportsmen Club was called to order at 8:05 PM.

All present were asked to stand for the pledge to the flag.

Announcements: take tables and chairs down after the meeting and return them to the shed. Tickets available for firearm and meat prizes during the break. Our Pro shop is open with hats, sweatshirts, and T-shirts for sale. President Steve Miller explained the decorum of the meeting - if you would like to speak wait to be recognized. Do not talk over people or interrupt if they have the floor. We have business to conduct. We will take a short break. No video or audio recording during our meeting.

Reading of the old minutes: Bill Derer made a motion to dispense with the reading of the old minutes. There were many 2nds. There was one nay. Motion passed. Minutes not read.

NRA recruiter: received a $45 check from the NRA and $10 from people joining in person. $65 for the month.

Concessions: Turning in $113.00 for food and drinks, $298.00 for Pro Ammo shop, and $54.00 for shirts and hats.

Communications: Nothing interesting to report.

Membership: 21 new members joining and $2,850.00 to turn in.

Work day: Saturday December 13th, 2014. Got equipment ready for the winter. Worked on the trucks and the snowplow. Next work day is 3rd Saturday in January. The 17th.

Balloon shoot: 38 attempts, 13 prizes, $60.00 profit. Watch the calendar to see if there will be a shoot in March - Fran will be on vacation.

Indoor Shoot: turning in $142.00. Held on Wednesday’s from 6-9 open to the public.

Firearms training: date of the next Women on Target is Saturday, May 9th, 2015. Frank Tait has a CRSO class scheduled for January 31st, 2015, Basic Pistol is on the schedule. Check out the club website for complete details.

Treasures Report: See Attached. Report given by Treasurer Lisa Phillips. Tom Hughes made a motion to accept the report as read. Frank Tait 2nd the motion. Voted on and passed.

Bills to pay: See Attached.  $11.00 to Brian Reynolds, $400.00 to Doug Schofield. Paul Barr made motion to pay the bills. Michael Lindsay 2nd. Was voted on and passed.

Christmas party: Officers gave a report on the Christmas party and how much fun everyone had.

Electronic Gate: New gate guy pulled new wires from clubhouse to gate at no charge to us. When he swapped out the Door King, and is giving us a $900.00 credit on our old Door King System. Bill Newell is working with him to see that the system is giving us the data that we need.

2nd Vote on the Amendment to the bylaws: All references herein pertaining to communications with members are modified to reflect that any commonly accepted medium may be used including but not limited to electronic mail, text message, United States Postal Service. Voted on: unanimously passed.  (No nays.)

Update on motion to Expel – Bill Dunn, Ben Janus, Troy Chapman are all suspended until further action is taken.

Ryan Steiner is taking the refund – waiting for the return of his gate card (from him).

New Business:

Applicants for membership:

Steve Chieffo
Ron Pingitore
Patrick Kiger
Mark Derer
Jared Savitski
Ron Volpe
Christopher Maher
Joe Stoyack
Michael Darsillo
Joseph Kubik
Chad Munchbach
John Raspa
David Korbonits
Amy Korbonits
Lori Giangiordano
Tyler Giangiordano
Norman Middleton
Kenneth Mann
Daniel Cochran
David Cochran
Gary Cochran
Took a 10 minute break to consider the new applicants for membership.

At 9:01 called meeting back to order.

Motion to spend up to $10,000. On a new trap machine made by Matt Gribosh. Tom Hughes 2nd, voted on passed.

Paul Wagner brought up the book “Travelers Guide to Gun Carry”. Some discussion about having copies available for purchase in our pro-shop. No other action taken on the matter.

All applicants approved for membership. CRSO Paul Barr gave the safety briefing.

Classified Ads can be placed by members on our website for items our members may be interested in.

Raffle Drawing:

Gun: #0625 Matt Gribosh won a Ruger LCRX Double Action Revolver in 38 Special + P

Signature Card: Michael Lindsay #17   3 lbs. Bacon

#1 Meat:  4177 Joe Stoyack

#2 Meat: 4195 Steve Chieffo

#3 Meat: 4257 Steve Lambert

#4 Meat: 3490 Joyce Berman

#5 Meat: 3364 Barry Rothman

#6 Meat: 3392 Ron Pingitore

Bill Derer made motion to close the meeting. Anka Fantaine 2nd it. Voted on and passed.

Meeting adjourned at 9:40 pm         54 people in attendance

Minutes recorded by Theresa T. Reynolds, Recording Secretary.

Account Balances: December 2014

Account Balance
Checking Account $18,678.55
CC Checking $4,892.93
Building Fund Svgs. $47,166.42
Raffle Svgs. $25,083.27
Mutual Fund $16,014.21
Total: $111,835.38

Attachment: December Financial Report : 2014_Dec_PL_Report.pdf

Range Hours

Mon - Fri: 9:00 a.m. - Dusk
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - Dusk
Sunday: 10:00 a.m. - Dusk

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