Northern Chester County Sportsmen's Club


Steve Miller

Membership Sec:

John M. Muller

1st VP:

Bill Dunn

Recording Sec:

James Fisher

2nd VP:

Fran Binchini


Abe Miller


Rob Steiner


Mike Lindsay

2013 Newsletter

As of this printing NCCSC membership stands at seven hundred and fifteen members.

Enclosed in each member's newsletter are several items, 1st ) dues renewal form (must be signed and returned). 2nd ) 10 orange raffle tickets, 3rd ) white early bird ticket 4th) Pink ladies/ youth/little person raffle ticket. Return your signed renewal form, dues and a self-addressed stamped envelope (S.A.S.E.) prior to the August 5th meeting. That is the deadline for renewals. There will not be a grace period this year. After the August 5th meeting all lapsed members will have to rejoin as new members and pay the application fee again. As of August 6th the application fee will be $100. Please come early to the meetings if you have renewal or ticket business so that we may start the meeting on time.

Please buy or sell the raffle tickets included in your mailing. Members who return their 10 orange ticket stubs along with $50 may include their early bird ticket. To be eligible for the early bird gun raffle, members must return their ten ticket stubs and early bird stub along with the proper money prior to or at the August 5th meeting. The early bird ticket has no cost; it is a thank you to the membership for participating. Early bird will be drawn at the end of tb.~ August 5th meeting along with the other monthly raffles.

NCCSC will be hosting our first Women on Target (WOT) event, June 220d 2013. This event will require the closing of the entire facility during that day. It will be necessary to limit attendance at the club on this day to students, instructors and staff only. Women on target events are for new and novice women who are interested in the shooting sports to acquire skills. This WOT event trains women in gun safety and allows live fire with 22 caliber handguns and rifles. It is a fun event as we strive to have a one instructor to one student ratio lunch will be provided. This event is full and a second event is being scheduled for October 5th .

The Club has started a pro-shop with different logoed clothing. Currently we have hoodies, sweatshirts, long and short

sleeved t-shirts and bumper stickers. As demand grows additional items will be added.

Work days are held the 3rd Saturday of each month except December. It is the responsibility of each member to assist in

the maintenance and improvement of our club. If each member would come to one workday, we would have 65 people . per work day and would be done in a couple of hours and be able to reopen the ranges instead of being closed all day.

The club website has been completely redone and has all of the information that is needed to find events, training, meetings and closings use the as a tool to plan your use of the club, please see the back of this newsletter for more information.


Steve Miller

President NCCSC

John M . Muller
NCCSC Membership Secretary

Range Hours

Mon - Fri: 9:00 a.m. - Dusk
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - Dusk
Sunday: 10:00 a.m. - Dusk

Sign Up

NCCSC © 2025. All rights reserved.