Volunteer Workdays:

3rd Sat of the Month - Starting at 9AM
( NO December Work Day)

No one takes out the trash, maintains the club house, fixes the target stands or repairs anything that’s broken...except our members! NCCSC relies completely on your volunteer efforts for all of our day-to-day operations and maintenance.

On the third Saturday of each month we meet at 9AM* at the club as volunteers to do the routine maintenance needed to provide members with the experience they desire.  We conduct a free raffle drawing for a valuable prize/gift to one lucky winner.  The club also provides lunch for all the crew.  

If each member could dedicate at least two Saturdays a year, usually it's just part of the day, it will ensure we have enough help to get the jobs done quickly, efficiently, and in a fun, collegial atmosphere.  So please plan to join us whenever you are available.

*NOTE:  You must scan in by 9:30AM to get credit for attending a Volunteer Work Day.

Lunch & free raffle prizes provided.
Ranges CLOSED until projects complete!  
Clubhouse Maintenance Crew:
  • Range: Sweep / vacuum floors, Clean tables, Tidy up room
  • Kitchen: Mop floor, wipe down counters, appliances
  • Bathrooms - Scrub toilets & sinks, remove trash, replace paper, mop floors
  • Stock cooler
  • Cook lunch for volunteers
Grounds Crew:
  • Clean behind clubhouse
  • Mow trap field
  • Weed whack and tidy grounds
  • Clean up burn pile
  • Burn off scrap wood.
  • Fill behind run in shed w/gravel
  • Increase grade behind clubhouse
Electrical/Tech Crew
  • Hang wire to trap shed for camera
  • Install remaining cameras
Ranges Crew:
  • Build portable backers
  • Clean blockhouse trash



v2.0 - 3/3/2023

Range Hours

Mon - Fri: 9:00 a.m. - Dusk
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - Dusk
Sunday: 10:00 a.m. - Dusk

Sign Up

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