2014 NCCSC Election Results

I would like to thank all of the members that attended the election meeting to participate in our democratic process. Your voices were heard and your votes counted, with 142 members casting ballots almost 20% of the club was present for the election - a great turnout!

It is now time for NCCSC to continue with our ever forward direction providing a fun and safe place for everyone to all come and shoot. The reelected along with the newly elected board members are ready to listen to your ideas and provide the leadership for the volunteers to achieve our collective goals. Please continue to attend workdays and meetings and assist your fellow members with making this the premiere sportsmen's club in the area.

Here are the results of the 2014 NCCSC Elections:

President Vote
Steve Miller ✔ 84%
Bill Dunn 16%


1st Vice President Vote
Fran Bianchini ✔ 91%
John Dlutowski 9%


2nd Vice President Vote
Brian Reynolds ✔ 85%
Alex MacFarlane 15%


Treasurer Vote
Lisa Phillips ✔ 100%


Membership Secretary Vote
Tom Starkey ✔ 100%


Recording Secretary Vote
Theresa Reynolds ✔ 84%
Renee Ruhlman 16%


1st Trustee Vote
Abe Miller ✔ 100%


2nd Trustee Vote
Mike Lindsay ✔ 100%

Steve Miller
President NCCSC

Range Hours

Mon - Fri: 9:00 a.m. - Dusk
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - Dusk
Sunday: 10:00 a.m. - Dusk

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