NCCSC Women’s Group – Stop The Bleed

Event Details

** Due to the importance of the material, this event is open to ALL **

Contact Trudi Rosenbaum at to register.

Life-threatening emergencies can happen fast and emergency responders aren’t always nearby.  You may be able to save a life by taking simple actions immediately.
You Are the Help Until Help Arrives.
Blood loss is the leading cause of preventable death in multiple casualty events, like mass shootings, terrorist attacks and earthquakes. Significant external bleeding can also result from everyday events such as a motorcycle crash, or an industrial accident. Rapid control of bleeding at the scene of the event can be life-saving.
That’s why the American College of Surgeons, FEMA, and the US Department of Homeland Security have partnered together to ensure that:
   • Bystanders have skills &knowledge to provide immediate bleeding control in an emergency.
   • Bleeding control supplies are located in all public gathering locations next to AEDs.
   • Bleeding control education is incorporated into our schools and workplace.
   • People know what to do in an active shooter situation.
Mass casualty events can happen at anytime and anywhere. At your workplace, at the game, during your commute, or even at your house. Stop The Bleed training will equip participants with the knowledge to save lives.
About The Course
This 2-hour training course teaches basic life-saving medical interventions, including a brief Active Shooter preparedness presentation and methods to control severe bleeding. Taught by experienced EMT's, paramedics, nurses, and combat medics, the course was developed in response to the call from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense to improve the chances of survival during an active shooter and other mass casualty events. In these circumstances, survival begins with bystanders.
Upon completion, participants will be able to:
   • Understand the principles of your response during an active shooter event.
   • Describe the progressive strategy for controlling hemorrhage.
   • Demonstrate wound packing and learn about topical hemostatic dressings.
   • Explain the rationale for early use of a tourniquet for life-threatening extremity bleeding.
   • Demonstrate the appropriate application of a tourniquet to the arm and leg.
This course is based on a curriculum developed by National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians and modified and taught by Center for Wilderness Safety.
Who Should Be Trained?
EVERYONE! Severe bleeding injuries can result from natural and man-made disasters and from everyday accidents, as well as from catastrophic and terrorist incidents. If left unmanaged, it can kill within minutes, potentially before trained responders can arrive. Bystanders who have been provided with basic tools and information on the simple steps they can take in an emergency situation to stop life threatening bleeding can SAVE LIVES!
Research has shown that bystanders – even with very little medical training – can become heroic lifesavers. Similar to the success of CPR or the use of an AED, improving public awareness about how to stop severe bleeding and expanding both personal and public access to bleeding control kits can be the difference between life and death for an injured person.
Who Can Take This Course?
EVERYONE! Learning to control bleeding is an essential skill that anyone can apply to save lives, just like CPR. In particular, these skills are important for non-tactical law enforcement, firefighters, security personnel, emergency coordinators and teachers. In addition, we recommend that all workplaces, schools and churches have multiple employees/members trained in bleeding control.


Contact Trudi Rosenbaum at to register.

Range Hours

Mon - Fri: 9:00 a.m. - Dusk
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - Dusk
Sunday: 10:00 a.m. - Dusk

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